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Quarryside Downtown

P. O. Box 578

About Us

Quarryside Downtown is the public name for Portland Revitalization Inc. a non-profit corporation and a Connecticut Main Street program of the National Trust for Historic Preservation.

It is an active forum of concerned citizens who have pooled their talents for the economic development of Main Street. It can be likened to a merchant's association, only many of the volunteers are not Main Street business people, but local residents volunteering who care about their town.

Their mutual goal is to enhance the economic vitality of this very important district.

Because of its strategic location between the Arrigoni Bridge and the turning of Route 66, the business area of Main Street provides the primary visual experience people get while traveling through Portland -- in affect, their first impression of the entire town! It is therefore to the interest of all residents that Main Street is attractive and alive with healthy commerce. There is a symbiosis that needs to be recognized here. Main Street represents the heart of Portland.

A number of shops are located here, just a few hundred yards from the Portland Quarries, now designated as a National Landmark. The livelihood of these business-owners depends on attracting customers to visit. With this in mind, members of Quarryside Downtown believe that Main Street is not so much a convenient location for dozens of separate business entities, but rather a single entity of interdependent businesses uniting to maintain a vibrant community marketplace -- distinctly Portland!