About Us:
As RainSong Terry and Darlene travel North America and abroad, teaching, storytelling, sharing their music at First Nations gatherings, on Reservations, and also at Churches and Conferences.
“We are dedicating our time and the gifts Creator has given us to serve the First Nations People of North America; working and praying to see dignity and harmony restored to individuals, families, clans, and tribal nations. We believe that the message of Creator’s Son Jesus is for all people and will transform the lives of all who follow Him. But we also believe that the message must be embraced within the context of every culture to be effective.”
They have produced five CD’s “Sacred Warrior”, “Rising Sun”, “Rise Up and Dance”, “Hoop of Life”, and a storytelling CD with music called “The Great Story from the Sacred Book”. Their music style is a folk-rock blend with Native American instruments and melodies.
Terry and Darlene founded Rain Ministries, a non profit corporation based in Arizona in 2002, and have been actively involved in the lives of many First Nations people since 1998.