Purpose Statement
The purpose of this church is to lead people to acknowledge God, to have faith in Jesus Christ, to live life in the power of the Holy Spirit, as revealed in Christian scripture, so that together we might be encouraged and nurtured by the church's ministries, in order to grow in the grace and knowledge of Christ, to do God's will, and to work for the unity of the Spirit among all Christians in the mutual building of God's reign on earth.
The Reverend John Lee organized the First Christian church of Republic in the Etna community, two miles northeast of Republic around 1872. Worship continued in the Mt. Etna vicinity until 1885 when a frame house of worship was built at the present location at the corner of North Main and Logan Streets in Republic.
Worship services were held in the building until March 5, 1950, when the corner stone was laid for the present structure.
The multi-purpose building at left, which seats 150 at tables, was dedicated July 12, 1992. This addition also provided wheelchair-accessible restrooms and an enclosed ramp to our sanctuary.
The congregation is a member church of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in North America and Canada, a 700,000 member denomination. All congregations are, however, directed by local leadership and are locally funded by their members.