RSVP After School Adventures Program
The After School Adventures Program is a free weekday afterschool program for children ages 6-13. We offer students of the Follansbee community a safe environment, provide meals and homework assistance, and participate in community service projects and engaging daily activities.
Our program is volunteer- based, and we are in need of caring individuals who can assist the students and be good role models. The program is located in Follansbee at the Brooke County's Senior Center each school day from 3:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. ASAP is very flexible, our volunteers normally create their own volunteering schedules and also assist in activities that take place.
If you or someone you know would like more information about the program; or would like to volunteer with the program please feel free to email our VISTA , Tiffeny Davis, at [email protected] or you may call the office at 304.527.3410.