History :
The genealogy service was moved from Central to Rudisill in July, 1990, at the completion of a renovation project. It occupied about 1,000 sq. ft. and provided ample free parking. It drew people from all over Oklahoma and surrounding states. Due to its popularity and outgrowing the space available, the services moved to the new Schusterman-Benson Library in 1997. In its place, an African-American Resource Center was developed, which serves the entire County.
As part of the 1998 Bond Issue program, a 2,900 sq. ft. addition was made to the main library area in 2003, providing more space for the African-American Resource Center and the children's area. Also the former area used by Outreach Services was completely redone to accommodate a 300-seat auditorium and 3 smaller meeting rooms. The original auditorium was renovated to create small story hour room just of the hallway. Special funding provided the story hour room with an aquarium atmosphere. The room was then named for Jeanne B. Goodwin, in honor for her service to the community and her 100 th birthday. Local artist Cynthia Harris provided a tile mural with an ocean theme in the lobby.