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Sacramento Spring Fling

2001 Pointe West Way

The Primary Purpose Group was formed in October of 1977 because many people missed the enthusiasm of their original home groups in Southern California.
Shortly after the group was formed, the members wanted to share their enthusiasm with Sacramento as a whole.   Having no money and very little experience, they found that with God's will and their enthusiasm the first Spring Fling, held only four months after forming the Primary Purpose Group, was a great success.

Over a period of four years, the group hosted the conference and it grew in attendance of 250 in 1977 to 1500 in 1981.  By 1981, the conference had taken on it's own life and personality.  During this time the Primary Purpose Group remained stable in it's primary commitment to carry the message to the suffering alcoholic.

Prior to the 1982 Spring Fling the Primary Purpose Group held a group conscious and decided that too much of the group's energy was being diverted from their primary purpose into what had become a major annual event on the Northern California A. A.  calendar -the Spring Fling.

In the program of the 1982 Spring Fling it was announced that there would be a meeting following the conference open to anyone interested in continuing the Spring Fling tradition by serving on the committee for that purpose.  The Primary Purpose Group has continued to meet it's commitment to the suffering alcoholic in yet another new location.

From 1982 to present the Spring Fling Committee has hosted the Spring Fling. During this time attendance has increased from approximately 1,500 in 1982 and 1983 to 2000 in 1984 and averaging around 2500 from the mid-eighties until 2003.

The Spring Fling Committee has continued to form each year and meet the tremendous responsibility involved in staging a conference of this magnitude.  The Spring Fling Committee is recognized as an open A. A. meeting which meets the first Thursday of each month at 6:30 p.m. at Denny's, 7900 College Town Dr.,  Sacramento, CA 95816 (Howe and College Town Dr.). Elections are generally  held on the first  Thursday of March following each conference, for members of Alcoholics Anonymous interested in serving.

Recent News

48th Annual Sacramento Spring Fling

Schedule: February 7, 2025 12:00 noon Doors open 2:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.: AA Archives (closed during speaker meeting) 3:30 p.m.: Kick off AA Speaker: Carrie M., 12th Tradition Big Book Group 5:00 p.m.: Al-Anon Speaker: Yvonne de G., Pacheco, CA…

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