The St. John's Lutheran Congregation of Waukon, Iowa is committed to being a warm, friendly, and inviting fellowship of people who believe in the Lord Jesus Christ . The purpose of our fellowship is to share the Good News of Jesus through worship and education in our families, in our community, and unto the whole world.
The mission of the St. John's Lutheran Church is to be united as the family of God. We seek to learn and understand the unconditional love and forgiveness taught by Jesus Christ, just as we seek to live that love and forgiveness in our daily lives. We will accomplish this vision and mission by developing relationships and programs which support and mentor our families. We want all our members to become the people God created them to be. We will nurture our people through the preaching and teaching of God's Word and through the receiving of the Sacraments. We believe that our prayers to God, our praise of God, our thanksgiving, for all the blessings we receive, and service to neighbor provides the opportunities for us to proclaim and live out our faith in Jesus Christ.