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Saint Mary Of The Woods

P.O. Box 329, Madison Avenue

Indian Lake is rich in history. Originally known to the pioneers as a marsh area, it was the hunting and fishing grounds for the Wyandotte, Cherokee, Roundhead, and Delaware Indian tribes. In 1856 the Ohio General Assembly created here a reservoir for the Miami-Erie Canal which linked Lake Erie and the Ohio River. A similar action in the 1890's stopped the lake from serving as a canal feeder and turned it into a state playground. People came from all over Ohio for vacations, mainly by train and inter-urban rail since roads were poor and automobiles were few.

By 1920 serious consideration had to be given to the establishment of a mission church between Memorial and Labor Days at Indian Lake. Fr. Wm. C. Welch, pastor of St. Patrick, Bellefontaine from 1916-1933, prevailed upon the Tarrs, who were Jewish, to allow Mass to be celebrated at their new dance pavilion called Orchard Island Coliseum. Long before ecumenism the Tarrs offered its use for six years free of charge.

In 1927 Fr. Welch constructed St. Mary of the Woods chapel on four lots given by a Mr. Wagner, with St. Patrick parishioners contributing $5000 for its construction. Assistant pastors at St. Patrick were designated Resident Summer Pastors until 1942.

At the beginning of the 1942 vacation season Fr. Francis Flannagan was appointed by Archbishop McNicholas as a full-time pastor. However on Sept. 29, 1942 Fr. Anthony Wolf took up his duties as the first full-time resident pastor until he retired in 1973.

St. Mary of the Woods in 1977
Four dwellings served as rectories until the present home was purchased in 1982. Pastors serving the parish after 1982 were, Father William V. Thomas 1974.; Father Herman J. Jansen 1974 - 1976; Father Earl O. Metz 1976-1987 Reverend Anthony J. Geraci, D. Min. 1987 - 1998; and the current pastor, Father Harry Kist .