The mission of St. Peter's Episcopal Church is to be a community that proclaims to all people the message of Love of God in Christ.
While St. Peter's doesn't advertise, people seem to find it anyway. St. Peter's brings together cradle Episcopalians and newcomers from many religious backgrounds and all regions of the country.
There is no simple way to describe the people of St. Peter's. There are singles, young families with children, young couples and seniors. There are people of different professions and interests, people with fixed incomes and people of ample means. Many people come to St. Peter's because they hear through word-of-mouth that it is somehow different than other churches. They stay because St. Peter's celebrates diversity and accepts all people wherever they are on their faith journey. The evangelism committee welcomes newcomers with a telephone call or by dropping off a loaf of homemade bread after church. Twice a year, the committee holds a newcomer's dinner at the Vicar's home.
Over the past decade, St. Peter's has evolved to meet the needs of a parish that is growing in diversity as well as numbers. Adds one parishioner, "Even as the parish has evolved, we hold a shared set of values that transcend our different backgrounds: Eucharist- centered worship, strong lay leadership, a love of learning, and a commitment to inclusion."
There are many ways that St. Peter's reaches out in ministry to share the message of love of God in Christ. In spite of small numbers, it offers a rich array of programs and activities more typical of a large, urban parish. Three weekly worship services encompass different styles of worship. Adult Sunday School offers wide-ranging options. A book group reads authors from Paul Tillich to Carter Heyward. For those interested in Bible study, there is an active Education for Ministries program.
The Episcopal Youth Community makes newcomers feel at home quickly. Foyers dinner groups also help new people get involved in the fellowship of St. Peter's. "We signed up for Foyers before we even decided to become a part of St. Peter's," explains a newcomer. "We're in our third group now."
By design, St. Peter's is growing. Over the past 10 years it has grown from an average Sunday attendance of 63 to 160 today. While it strives to get newcomers involved in the life of the parish as quickly as possible, there is much more that can be done. Just as there is much to be done to proclaim to all people the message of love of God in Christ. If you are looking for a church home, or just want to come check us out, you are welcome.