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Club History:
The Sandy Kiwanis Club was founded on Thursday, September 11, 1947. Our club was sponsored by the Kiwanis Club of Gresham. Attending the meeting that first night were our new officers President, Eldon Mills, Vice President, Floyd Light and Secretary-Treasurer, Herb Rouse. At that time the population of Sandy was approximately 900 people. Our club started with 37 charter members.
Many of the projects that we still do today were started in those early days. Our first Fly-in Breakfast was in 1957 with breakfast costing $1.00 for adults and $.50 for children. Airplane rides were also $1.00 and were provided by four Kiwanis members with their own planes. Our Christmas Basket Program and Community Easter Egg Hunt started in 1961. These early projects continue to be strong in our community today.