Saxonburg was founded by John A. Roebling of Muhlhausen, Germany in 1832. John A. Roebling was the inventor of wire rope and the designer of the Brooklyn Bridge.
Saxonburg Borough is one of 962 Boroughs in Pennsylvania, and one of 23 in Butler County.
Council appoints all members of the various Borough Boards and Commissions, and adopts the Tax structure for the municipality.
The 2010 U.S. Census lists 1,525 residents, 837 housing units, and 35% of the residents are over the age of 65.
Saxonburg Borough encompasses 0.89 square miles and is surrounded by Clinton and Jefferson Townships. There are 7.74 miles of roadway in the Borough. 5.04 miles are maintained by Saxonburg Borough, 2.7 miles are part of the Pennsylvania State Highway System and are maintained by PennDOT District 10.