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Seabreeze United Church

501 North Wild Olive Avenue

About Us:
Seabreeze United Church of Christ cares about people. Each person is important to God and that is why each person is important to us. We are the people of God and the Body of Christ. We believe that the call of Christ is a call to loving service in the world. The world can be a better place if we do our best to make it so. That is why we, in the name of Christ, must make a difference! The scriptures describe the church as "... a chosen race, God's own people, that we may declare the wonderful deeds of him who called us." (I Peter 2:9) As members of the Body of Christ, we are seeking to be alive with God's Spirit, to be God's servants in the service of others, and to search for those who would also be Christ's disciples who would embrace this mission with us. You will hear us say, "There's a place for you at Seabreeze!" and we believe there is! We have seen many people find a place here as they have grown spiritually closer to Christ, as they have worshipped together, as they have found a place to share their talents and blessings, as they have developed Christian friendships with one another, and as they have striven to be the people who have heard the call of God and felt the need to respond.
