About Us
The senior center was first established when it began meeting once a month at a local retirement home. In 1991 portions of the current facilities became available and in 1993 an agreement was made between Sumner County and the City of Hendersonville for the property formerly known as Hawkins Middle School. After assuming control over the property the City leased the 9.432 square foot building currently housing the senior center to Senior Citizens of Hendersonville for 25 years.
The good news was that the space was ours, the bad news was that the Fire Marshall of Hendersonville condemned the building in March of 1993. Many seniors, businesses, organizations, and individuals from the community banded together, donating money and time to reopen the center on October 30th, 1993.
The Center has continued to grow and currently receives about 45% of its funding from Federal, State, City, and County funding. The Center also receives about 10% of its funding from United Way leaving approximately 45% of the funding to be raised through participant and organization contributions and community based fund raising.