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478 Weaverland Valley Road
The pick up site will be organized like a market, in which you can choose the items you would like to take each week
CSA Information: We grow wholesome, fresh produce without the use of chemical pesticides, fertilizers, or herbicides in a way that is sustainable and environmentally enhancing. Throughout the season, our CSA customers can pick 5-10 vegetables and herbs weekly. The pick up site will be organized like a market, in which you can choose the items you would like to take each week.
Shares are expected to provide enough vegetables for 2-5 people, depending on menu preference. Occasionally there will be canned goods, fresh cut flowers, and fruits. Fresh grass fed eggs, recipes, and other farm information will be available at pick ups.
CSA Details:
Season: May through November
Type: Single farm
Since: 2007
No of Shares: 30
Full Share: $500
1/2 Share: $ 300
Work Req? No
Pick Up/Drop Off Points:
Shady Pine Farm (Wed Fri Sat)
Members pick up their shares on Wednesdays 3:00 - 8:00pm, Friday 3:00-8:00pm, or Saturdays 8:00-11:00am
Contact: Timothy Martin
Phone: (717) 445-6760
Address: 478 Weaverland Valley Road, East Earl, PA 17519