Share, Inc. is a nonprofit corporation providing emergency assistance since 1969 to the less fortunate in McLean and Pimmit Hills, and nearby areas of Northern Virginia. Our programs include family emergency financial assistance; distribution of food, used clothing; recycled furniture; and transportation services for seniors. We also provide clients with grocery gift cards and gifts during the holidays, refurbished computers, and school supplies. Virtually 100% of donations go to the direct benefit of our clients because we are an all-volunteer organization.Food Pantry and Clothing Rooms are open every Wednesday and Saturday from 9:30am-12:00 noon (except Saturdays before federal holidays) in donated space at the McLean Baptist Church, 1367 Chain Bridge Rd., McLean, VA 22101. Please help us by organizing a Food Drive. Click here to learn what items we need or how to hold a food or clothing and linen drive. Last year Share programs provided over 900 bags of groceries and 280 bags of used clothing and linens per month.