Our Mission: To help families and individuals possess within them that which is above them not yield to that which is about them or sink to that which is beneath them.
History: The church of Christ was established in A.D. 33 and was introduced to Smithville in 1868 by J. M. Kidwell of Alexandria. Its first worship service was in the courthouse. In 1874 it moved into a wood frame building constructed on the corner of North Mountain and West Main. Later, a brick building was erected there, and then in 1971 the present structure was erected. In 2000, the present structure was rennovated to seat more people and facilitate an expanding work for the Lord. Nostalgia and history has been preserved from the early era, being kept in room 14 of the present facility. Today, the old familiar faces have disappeared from the scene, but the challenge of their legacy remains...faith, dedication and a never-ending battle against the forces of Satan.