Mission Statement:
God has designed for the Sonoma Seventh-day Adventist Church to be...
1. Christ Centered
We will keep Jesus first, last and everything.
We will pray in all circumstances.
2. Spirit Filled
We will exhibit an abundance of the Spirit's fruit. (Galatians 5)
We will love as God loves us.
3. Heaven Bound
We will live in joyful anticipation of the second coming.
We will share the abundant life of Jesus.
4. Mission Driven
We will expect God's clear leading.
We will unite our efforts for His glory.
5. Bible Grounded
We will submit to the authority of God's word.
We will boldly share and live His word.
6. Fellowship Committed
We will care for every person entrusted to us.
We will value the body of Christ.
7. Neighbor Motivated
We will actively and purposefully know our community.
We will involve ourselves with compassion and relevance.