Located in Petersburg, WV, our school has served Grant, Hardy and Pendleton Counties since 1969. Over the years, our student-centered programs have challenged individuals through rigorous academic, vocational and technical training. Our goal has been, and remains, to open doors of opportunity for all of our graduates, allowing them to have flexible career choices and access to a college education. In recent years, we have partnered with Eastern West Virginia Community and Technical College in Moorefield, WV to provide even greater opportunities.
In addition to meeting and maintaining high standards in core content areas, all students are required to demonstrate basic computer skills for on-line End of Course test taking, ACT Key Train preparation and internet use.
A variety of programs have been tailored to meet the individual needs of our adult population. For those without a high school diploma, we offer studies in Adult Basic Education at both our Petersburg and Moorefield branches. The GED test is offered at the Petersburg branch.
We are sensitive to students' individual learning styles and needs. Recently, we constructed a state-of-the-art computer-based learning lab to offer a wide range of academic assistance.
Our staff is second to none. Most recently, their efforts were recognized by the West Virginia Department of Education when our school received a commendation for being one of only two schools in the state to have met all "Status Determiners" in each content area.