South Burleson is a small family size church of approximately 100 people in attendance on Sunday mornings. Our church has many families that have joined in the last 3 years and so we are still in the process of getting to know each other. We want to get to know you and your family. South Burleson provides an excellent opportunity for you to grow in your relationship with Jesus Christ and build relationships with your neighbors.
We provide small group opportunities at 9:15 where you can plug into a small group and really get to know the people of South Burleson. We currently have three adult classes and classes for nursery, preschoolers, children and youth. The small group time allows you to have a discussion on a Biblical text and ask questions in a group setting. It is an excellent time of providing support and encouragement to each other.
Our Sunday morning worship service typically last 65-70 minutes and includes times of singing hymns and praise songs, prayer, and a message delivered directly from the Bible. The message will be relevant to your everyday life. We will not single you out as guests but hope that you will feel welcomed by all. We provide nursery and extended care during the worship service on Sunday mornings up until age 3.
On Sunday nights, we have a time of singing hymns, prayer and a message again from the Bible. The Sunday night message is more of a teaching time.
On Wednesday nights, we have activities for ages 4 and above. It is meant to encourage and give you a refuge in the middle of your hectic week in the Metroplex.