The Chamber is a 501(c)6 non-profit entity and is proud to represent the towns of Granby and South Hadley. The Chamber began in 1959 in South Hadley and it evolved over the years to include Granby, given the geographical proximity of the two towns. Its core mission is to help promote and grow the businesses of its members serving these two municipalities.
In Spring 2017, the Chamber Board of Directors and the Executive Director initiated a targeted approach to revitalize its core mission by identifying the following priorities to better serve its business members:
Create a new website designed to be more attractive to users and lucrative for Chamber members, including the use of social media platforms
Develop a more inclusive Membership Tier Program to recognize the different categories of businesses that serve Granby and South Hadley
Increase outreach efforts to identify crucial business needs, not only with its current membership but with potential new members, to understand and respond to challenges impacting growth
Revamp its programs and resources for business networking/collaboration and education
Re-energize its Community Betterment programs to increase public and business awareness of its business members and their services. Additionally, become a centralized resource to disseminate information and attractions about the two municipalities for local area residents and visitors.