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P.O. Box 220
Springfield Lions Club is a service club, with the goal of assisting the community and the less fortunate, primarily the hearing and sight impaired. Our motto is "We Serve". The Club began with 36 charter members in 1948 and now has 80 members.
The Springfield Lions Club is chartered by Lions Clubs International which is headquartered in Oak Brook, IL and has assisted the blind and deaf since 1917. Lions International is the largest service club in the world, having 1.4 million members in almost every country in the world.
Springfield Lions Club activities include:
Sponsor Springfield's July 4th Celebration
Sponsor the Adult School as well as summer and fall camps for Springfield school children through the Springfield School District
Collect Eye glasses for distribution to the needy
Support and sponsor individuals to Pennsylvania Lions' owned Camp Kirby - a summer camp for hearing impaired children
Support and sponsor individuals to Pennsylvania Lions' owned Beacon Lodge - a summer camp for visually impaired children
Supports the Lions Leader Dog Program, which provides guide dogs to the blind
Provide eye examinations and eyeglasses for the needy
Recognition for outstanding Springfield students.