St.Anthony Of padua Catholic School started with a few dedicated Dominican nuns from adrian,Michigan,and the desireto teach children catholic principles in addition to math and english.Four nuns designated a duplex in Casa Grande,Arizona as St.Anthony's Convent and within two years,They converteda garage behind the convent into a classroom and opened a Kindergarten.There were 40 students entrolled in the program in the late 9040s.Father Sylvio J.Ross,Pastor of St.Anthony's church,blessed and broke ground for a new school buiulding on second street in january 1950.Our school began with 135 students in four grades.A grade was added each year to expand.By September 1954,all eight grades of elementary school were represented.sister georgina Marie Bowers,one of the first runs that came to arizona with only a vision and guidence of god,was the first principal of the school.Sister Georgina was the guest of honor at the Golden Anniversary Tea on November 20,2000 When St.Anthony of Pauda Catholic School celebrated fifty years of educating the minds and spirits os casa Grande children.