Prayer and Worship at St. Catherine of Siena
God has blessed our parish with many opportunities to pray both corporately and privately. The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass is celebrated daily in English and weekly in Spanish and in Latin. Confessions, the Sacrament of Reconciliation, is available at two times during the week as well as by appointment with one of our priests.
The Holy Eucharist is the source and summit of our Catholic faith. Not only can we receive the Eucharist daily at our church, we can also come to pray, worship and adore God in the presence of the Holy Eucharist at any time of the day or night in our Chapel of Jesus, Our Eternal Priest. We invite you to consider a devoting a regular hour each week to rest and pray in the presence of the Lord.
Our Apostolates of Prayer also include the Legion of Mary, Mary's Mom's Rosary Group, Prayers for Vocations Chalice Program, Prayer Chain, and Grupo de Oración de la Renovación Carismática (Charismatic Renewal Prayer Group).
There are opportunities to assist in the celebration of the Liturgy in roles such as cantor, choir, musician, usher, reader, altar server or as an extraordinary minister of Holy Communion.