To be a church with two hearts - one that longs to draw close to God and one another, while the other aches to show others God's fulfilling love.
Goals and Purposes:
In the life of every person a certain amount of balance is necessary to maintain health and wellness. We all need to balance our diet to remain healthy, and we all need to balance time awake, with time at rest to stay functional. Every person also needs to have a proper balance in their Spiritual life too. Time is important. We feel we must invest time and effort in five important areas of our lives to have a balanced approach to life and God. These five are Time With God (Worship), Time With Others (Fellowship), Time Learning (Discipleship), Time Helping Others (Service), and Time to Reach Out (Outreach). We seek to structure the ministries of the St. Charles FMC keeping in mind that all things which occupy our time need to seek to meet a goal, and these five ministry areas serve as our guidelines. One of the primary things to remember is that the church exists for a purpose and everything we do needs to have purpose too. On a regular basis we review our purposes and review our progress in each area to be sure our focus is correct.
Sunday Worship Service:
9:30 a.m.