About Us:
St. Cletus is a Roman Catholic Church, part of the Archdiocese of Chicago, located on a 10 acre campus in La Grange, IL about 20 miles west of downtown Chicago. St. Cletus Parish offers a school (3-pre to 8), religious education program, youth ministry, Hispanic ministry, numerous organizations, and 10 masses weekly. Founded in 1951, St. Cletus has been served by five pastors including Fr. Morrissey (1951-1971), Fr. Gallagher (1971-1990), Fr. Burke (1990-1992), and Fr. Klees (1992-2006). Our current pastor, Fr. Clark, began July 1, 2006.
Mission Statement:
St. Cletus is a dynamic Catholic community dedicated to spreading the Good news of Jesus Christ through worship, education, and service.
Vision Statement:
We welcome all. We encourage all parishioners to live the Gospel message of Jesus Christ in their daily lives, by sharing their talents and faith with our parish and community.