The Mission of St. Gabriel's is To worship God and, with God's help, transform the world.
Our services are similar to Lutherans, Roman Catholics, and to some extent, Presbyterians and Methodists in that we use a printed book, (The Book of Common Prayer), for worship. Extemporaneous or "pastoral prayers" are not normally part of our services. The Holy Communion or Lord's Supper or Holy Eucharist is the usual service on Sunday.
Our services are described as "liturgical" in that we include ceremony -- robes and vestments for participants; processions of worship leaders into and out from worship, usually led by a processional cross and torches; the use of a prescribed rotation of scripture readings -- in our worship. Individual congregations use more or less ceremony as local custom determines. The laity takes an active role in the leadership of public worship along with the clergy.
Most of us do not read or study Holy Scripture from a literal point of view.
Most of us believe that our "salvation" is a gift from God, delivered to all peoples and all of creation in some way by the death and resurrection of Jesus. We can neither earn nor lose that gift by how we lead our lives. We can only reject or ignore it.