We are a Catholic Community alive in the spirit of Christ dedicated to living the Eucharistic Life of daily prayer and serving Christ in each other. We are committed to the ongoing formation of each member of this parish family through sacred scripture, the Church's teaching, and sacramental celebrations. In response to God's grace, we serve the physical and spiritual needs of our neighbor.
We believe this requires:
...Respect for the life and dignity of every person from conception to natural death.
...Compassionate outreach and evangelization.
...A commitment to work for social justice.
Weekday Mass Schedule
Mon., Tues., Thurs., Fri. 7:30 am
Wed. 6:30 AM /During School Year 9:15 am
Weekend Mass Schedule
Sat. 6:15 pm
Sun. 8:00 am, 10:00 am and 6:00 pm
Holidays and Holy Days
Check our website