Parish History:
To compile the history of this Parish and confine it to a page is a daunting task, for the fellowship of this community can not be contained on the written page -- it cannot be presented with justice to those who have never set foot within this community. The story of St. Louis Parish is intertwined into our own personal stories -- it intermingles in the day-to-day joys, celebrations, trials and tribulations of its Parishioners, and it all began in 1926.
September 7, 1926, Fr. Victor J. Renaud received the appointment, from Bishop Michael Gallagher, to organize, build and preside over a new Parish in Mt. Clemens. Boundaries of the new parish were set as east of Gratiot to Lake St. Clair between Fifteen Mile Road and Hall Road, and with those parameters, 350 families made up this infant congregation.
On September 13, 1926, the heirs of Louis and Mathilda Charbeneau came forward to donate four-and-a-half acres of family land. Fr. Renaud took into consideration the generous gift from the Charbeneaus and chose the French Saint, King Louis IX, as the churches patron in honor of the late Louis Charbeneau.
In over 80 years of existence, St. Louis Parish has planted and pruned when necessary. Its people have learned to cope through the tender cut-backs and the overwhelming tenacious growth, and they have learned the reality that no achievement can be perfect unless it constantly changes to fit new needs. Continued personal sacrifice and painful effort have been required to build and sustain our common unity, for it is through the growth that we have met each other but through the trials that we have come to know each other. We have come to the true love of Christ together — as a fellowship — as the family of God.