St. Luke offers a variety of opportunities for mission involvement and community outreach. All of our work is guided by our growing awareness and understanding of how racism keeps our community from being what it can be. Leaders and workers are invited to take part in "Healing the Wounds of Racism" weekend seminars in order to help shift from charity work to justice work, from "giving to people" to "working with people."
In this way we are building relationships with the following groups:
Cookman United Methodist Church in North Philadelphia
Mary Jane Enrichment Center, a homeless shelter at 16th and Ridge in North Philadelphia.
Methodist Services for Children and Families, at Belmont and Monument Roads, providing a whole range of help for children in the Philadelphia area.
Members and friends of St. Luke have regular opportunities to work for and give to these efforts:
Through communion offerings on the first Sunday of the month
Through a "mitten tree" and toy collection at Christmas time
Through Food Bank and soup can label collections in the entrance to our sanctuary
Through workdays at Mary Jane Enrichment Center and other partner institutions.