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Stone Mountain Arts Center

695 Dug Way Road

About Us:

So reading about a new arts center is not going to blow your socks off, make your jaw drop or even get your undies in a bunch like my not so classy husband might say. But this is not like any performing arts center, non profit with"bored" of directors, or fancily renovated city hall. This is a humble 200 seat timber frame music hall nestled in the foothills of the White Mountains in little Brownfield Maine... Brownfield that literally burned to the ground in the forties...Brownfield that has a post office and a corner store filled with snowmobilers or canoers depending on what time of year it is ...Brownfield where artists like Marty Stuart , Mary Chapin Carpenter, Béla Fleck, Capitol Steps, and Paula Poudstone might pass a trailer, a few cows, or the occasional loose horse on their way up the hill. Up the hill to the Stone Mountain Arts Center, next door to Vinnie the pizza guy who parked cars for us one night with a bow tie and a cane., or Dan Shea's house who put the red clapboards up on this barn only 8 months ago......or Irving Potter's grand farm, who is referred to in a closing song of the monthly Stone Mountain LIVE Variety Show:

Well we've come to the end of our little show
Please drive safe and please drive slow
As you drive down the hill please check out your brakes
We don't want you to run into Irving Potter's place. (in full chorus).
