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Stone Soup Storytelling Institute

231 E Hayne St


To harness the power of Story- to educate, to communicate, to connect


Our brain on story.  Neuroscientists have shown that our brains “on story” are different than when our brains are receiving other forms of information, including just plain facts and data.  Stories make our ideas come to life.  Research has shown that by delivering messages and ideas in story form, or narrative, our brains connect with a heightened sensitivity in the left temporal cortex.  The temporal cortex aids in reading comprehension, information retrieval and mood stability. The temporal cortex helps us sort information and lay down memories.  Participants in this research retained heightened connectivity to the information presented.  (Emory University, 2013).  The power of story!   “It makes us feel as if we were there.”  

Stone Soup builds community- we build community through storytelling.  To help us realize the impact that storytelling and sharing our stories make in our everyday lives – in education, in business, in healthcare, in history and in family and personal relationships; in building communities, neighborhoods and teams; in connecting us with others whether in business or personal communications. 

Stone Soup is a resource and platform for storytellers.  A place for tellers to grow and to develop the art of storytelling. 

Stone Soup preserves and promotes the art of storytelling and shares it with the world.