About Us:
We are people of all ages and backgrounds who have come together to experience life in a community of caring Christians. We come from different theological backgrounds and points of view but we respect each other and the views others hold. We are members of the world's largest protestant denomiation, the United Methodist Church. We are part of the Western Pennsylvania Conference of the United Methodist Church. For news about the work of our Western Pennsylvania Conference, read the most recent edition of our conference newspaper, the Interlink through the link on our Newsletter Page. We are small enough to know one another and to support one another in good times and bad. We are a vibrant and caring church and you are welcome to join us as a fellow member and as a friend.
Our church has grown from the witness of John Wesley (1703 to 1791). Wesley strove to revive the Church of England by making its teachings relevant to the masses and to his times and by bringing people from all walks of life into active, disciplined Christian discipleship. Unlike some of the early reformers, Wesley teaches that the Christian faith must be formed and informed by a balanced consideration of the scriptures, tradition, reason and experience. As a result, Christianity as taught by Wesley is a powerful and resilient faith that remains relevant and fresh from age to age. At Stone, we are committed to continuing the Wesleyan tradition.What do we do at Stone Church? We worship together. We teach and learn together. Together we engage in ministries in our community, around our country and around the world. We join together to provide programs for our youth. We enjoy music together, both as performers and as listners. We pray together and alone and many of us engage in daily devotions. We regularly celebrate the contributions of all of our members.