About Us:
First Baptist Church, Stonington, IL. is dedicated to proclaiming the Good News of God's love and forgiveness revealed in Jesus Christ and His Holy Spirit through worship, study, and service.
As a part of the American Baptist denomination, First Baptist Church encourages a spirit of openness, freedom of thought, dedicated study of the scriptures and devotion to the teachings and example of Jesus Christ. We are called to be a loving, forgiving and caring family of faith where we work together in service of our Lord and the building His Kingdom here on earth. Recognizing that our spiritual journeys are all different, we strive to be respectful concerning each individual's relationship with God. We want to grow in faith by associating with other forgiven Christians, so we may be the Body of Christ.
Sunday School
Sunday Mornings - 09:30am
Worship Service
Sunday Mornings - 10:30am (Nursery care is available adjacent to the Fellowship Hall downstairs.)
Children's Church is conducted during regular church services
Youth Group Meetings
Sunday evenings - 6:00pm (Please see Church Calendar for dates)