Vicki Daniel Hardee lives and works in the Scenic City of the South, Chattanooga, Tennessee. She has painted professionally for more that 20 years. In 1985, she opened Studio II Art Center, where she maintains her studio and gallery, and provides a full range of art-related services.
Hardee attended the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga and continued her art education working with other professional artists and seminars across the South. She has received numerous awards for her art work. Her paintings and commissioned portraits are represented in private, corporate and civic colections in this country and abroad.
Vibrant color, without harshness is a trademark of Vicki's unique style. Painting in all media, her range of talents include tranquil landscapes, traditional florals, and portraits, as wellas contemporary and non-representational paintings. Her gentleness of spirit,optimistic nature, and love of children are evident in all of her work.
Enjoy the works of this talented Southern artist by visiting her gallery, Studio II, in Chattanooga, or inquire about slides or more information.