Sunrise Children's Services provides care and hope for hurting families and children through Christ-centered ministries. Sunrise Children's Services has been at the forefront in the fight to protect Kentucky's children since 1869. Today, Sunrise is a home for children who have been abused and neglected — children whose lives have been scarred by unspeakable physical, sexual, and emotional abuse — and who have been removed from their homes. From the president of our organization down to our direct care staff, our goal every day is to provide a place of refuge, of hope, of love, and of healing to these children whose lives have been devastated. For these children, Sunrise is a place where they can begin to feel safe, a place where they encounter adults who give unconditional love, a place where they can begin to learn that the world can be a good place.
In pursuing our mission, we commit to these values to guide our decisions and behavior
Christian Ministry
We are a Christian ministry that, through God's direction and leadership, reaches out to children and families with Christ's love and compassion. We are committed to presenting a clear message of Christian values.
Respect for Staff
The Sunrise structure stresses a partnership among staff. Sunrise is committed to fostering an environment that daily affirms the professional, personal, and spiritual development of our staff. that environment includes a safe work place, an appreciation of multicultural backgrounds, and a commitment to ethical integrity.
Quality Professional Care
We are committed to providing quality professional care to the children and families we serve. We will always strive to improve and adapt our services to anticipate and meet changing needs. We provide a continuum of care and are committed to a long-term successful and measurable outcome for those we serve through total quality management.
Respect for Those We Serve
We are committed to treating those we serve in a respectful, compassionate, and humane manner. We are ever mindful of the responsibility we bear in seeking to preserve the personal dignity of those we serve. Our professional guidance and treatment will be offered regardless of race, ethnicity, religion, educational background, sex or disability.
Partners in Ministry
We recognize that everyone has a stake in providing hope and caring for children and families. This requires many partners including churches, professional providers, individual donors and the communities in which we serve. We are committed to strengthening and expanding this support through continued education of all our current and potential partners in ministry. By living these values, Sunrise aspires to set a standard of excellence within the field of professional child and family services.