Tabernacle Elementary School is a true community school that houses students in pre-school through fourth grade. Our mission is to build a strong educational foundation for our early learners and give them the skills necessary for continued learning throughout their lifetimes. The administration, staff, and parents work hand-in-hand to accomplish this mission.
To ensure that each of our students is prepared for the future, our school provides a safe, positive learning environment which enables them to mature academically and socially. Our academic program is aligned with the New Jersey Core Curriculum Content Standards and is designed to meet individual needs and provide opportunity for students to achieve success. Standardized test results consistently exceed the state and national averages. Our academic focus is enhanced by a strong, developmentally sound related arts curricula which develop and strengthen creativity.
Tabernacle Kids are the best! The halls and classrooms are orderly and are filled with enthusiastic students who come to school eager and ready to learn. Two character education programs designed by the professional staff set the behavioral expectations of the school, focus student attention on appropriate interaction with others, and ensure students maintain a warm, caring, learning environment.
Our staff members have always been committed to excellence and providing a quality education. However, we recognize that the school cannot work alone. The Parent-Teacher Association is active and involved in providing human and financial support, the Parent-Articulation Committee, and the parent and community volunteers cheerfully give of their time and expertise. Our success is the result of the work of a caring team of educators, parents, and students.
The facts in this report card will provide you with general information about the Elementary School. ,.