Tennessee Bible College was founded in 1975 in Cookeville, Tennessee. The school offers a two-year certificate program in Bible, and is authorized by the Tennessee Higher Education Commission to confer on those who satisfactorily complete their work the B.A. Degree in Bible, the M.A. degree in Christian Doctrine and Apologetics, and the Ph.D. degree in Christian Doctrine and Apologetics.
How thankful men and women in the Lord's church should be to have a college where they can start in the undergraduate program and continue through the doctorate level without changing schools. Never before in the history of the church of Christ has this been the case. Tennessee Bible College was the first church of Christ related school to confer the Ph.D. We are thankful that God has blessed us and that we can render this service in the field of religion.
At Tennessee Bible College, we desire to teach and train men in such a way as to make them fully capable to preach and defend the gospel of Christ. The college is not only open to men, but is open to women as well. We need excellence in Bible teachers, homemakers, and in being good wives to Christian men. Tennessee Bible College is capable of helping in these fields.
At Tennessee Bible College the Bible is not treated as just another book. It is treated as THE Book. Men coming from the college will believe in the plenary verbal inspiration of the Bible, if they follow what they have been taught in the classroom. The Bible is loved, honored, respected and reverenced in every phase of our work. It will always be this way, so help us God.
Tennessee Bible College is given to academic excellence, scholarship and Biblical soundness. No person will ever be permitted to teach at T.B.C. who does not believe the Bible to be the inspired Word of God from the first verse in Genesis to the last one in Revelation.
Those attending Tennessee Bible College will find a warm and personal atmosphere between students and faculty. The faculty takes an interest in each student. This is planned and does not happen by chance. This shall ever be our goal. The administration and faculty feel that the best recommendation for a school of higher learning is the usefulness of its students. It is our wish to see our men and women go out into the world and be a tremendous influence on mankind for what is good and right.
May God bless us in the work done at Tennessee Bible College. May He always make His face to shine upon us. May He ever be gracious to us, and may our work last until Jesus comes again.