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Texhoma's Church of Christ

3rd And Elm Street

Church History
The earliest written record of the Church of Christ meeting in Texhoma was in 1908. The Times reported a tent meeting was held northwest of Texhoma in a pasture. It was probably held west of Four Corners. Iva Hanes remembered her parents putting them in a wagon and driving 5 to 6 miles each night to the meeting. Afterward the members continued meeting from house to house until the schoolhouse was built.

Mrs. Atwood came to Texhoma to teach in 1911. She remembers the Church meeting upstairs above a grocery store on main street. There were approximately 20 attending at this time. There were no regular preachers, but visiting preachers preached some and members gave talks or read scriptures after Bible study. Brother Bohanan who lived 8 miles north of town preached some and often walked in to services.

From 1911-1916 the church met at different places: Campbell's theater, Christopher's store, and at a school building on the Texas side. A protracted meeting was held once a year. Sometimes it was in a tent and sometimes in a vacant lot with benches to seat the people. Baptisms were done in a horse tank west of town.

In 1916 plans were made for a building. The lots where we now meet were donated and the building was completed before the end of the year. The building was used for about 45 years. The interior was remodeled for classrooms. Carl Muller did most of the work. The first fulltime preacher was hired in 1946. The preachers house was built in 1947. There were 2 elders at this time. In 1962 the wood building was moved and the brick building we now use was erected. Ed and Ott Harland were the deacons and Paul Harland was on the building committee. We need to continue the work of the Lord.