About Us:
Bluff Presbyterian Church was organized in 1758 on the west side of the Cape Fear River and was known as Roger’s Meeting House. By the 1780’s the majority of the congregation resided on the east side of the Cape Fear River and the congregation decided to relocate to a Bluff River site on the east side of the river and change the name to Bluff Presbyterian Church. The Old Bluff Structure was constructed in 1858 and is today referred to as “Old Bluff Church.” This building was placed on the National Register of Historical Place in 1974.
By 1908, due to the organization of McMillian and Godwin Presbyterian Churches in the late 1800’s, the majority of the remaining members of Bluff Presbyterian Church resided in or near the village of Wade. The congregation decided to build a more modern facility and relocate to Wade, NC retaining the name BLUFF PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, where it remains today.