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41 Westerly Road
First Baptist Church of Plymouth is a community inclusive of all people who seek, through the presence and power of the Holy Spirit, to grow in relationship with God, proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ, discover God's will for their lives and reach out to the world to share God's love with joy.
We are committed to worship, teaching, learning and listening and through these to become disciples of Christ who support one another in our journey of faith.
"The purpose of this church shall be to give visible form to that faith and fellowship into which God has called all people through Jesus Christ. We acknowledge ourselves to be a local manifestation of the Church Universal through which the ongoing ministry of Jesus Christ is faithfully carried out. We shall seek to fulfill our calling though corporate worship, which shall periodically include the observance of the ordinances of baptism and the Lord's Supper; through education and nurture in the Christian faith by which persons might be strengthened for Christian living and equipped for the ministry of Jesus Christ through the proclamation of the Gospel in word and deed; and through ministry to human need in our community, nation, and world in the name of Jesus Christ. Recognizing that we as a singular congregation cannot fulfill such a high calling and purpose on our own, we therefore affirm denominational and ecumenical relationships as being a vital means by which our calling may be more completely fulfilled and our purpose more nearly achieved."