OUR MISSION IS to share with our families, neighbors and friends the love of God made real to us in Jesus Christ and to be a vital force for divine goodness, truth, and mercy in our community and around the world. This is the mission we strive to embody in our church's programs and express in our daily lives.
A MISSION WHICH IS Grounded in Holy Scripture, renewed in worship, encouraged in fellowship, enriched in diversity, strengthened in unity, expressed in service, and fulfilled in Love.
That all people are created in the image of God for enjoying fully the goodness of life as they grow in love for God and neighbors near and far.
That in Jesus, God draws close to us, extending to us forgiveness, hope, renewal, and guidance.
That God’s Holy Spirit is actively working in, through, among, and even in spite of us—transforming our lives and world.
That the Bible speaks to us today, helping us understand our need for God and God’s gracious coming to us in Christ.
That we are called to sharpen our minds, widen our hearts, and deepen our spirits as we grow and serve together.