It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the 1960's. A group of Puebloans were bitten by the acting bug and sought healing through performance. They started out modestly, getting together to read plays, but soon realized that they wanted more - a stage and an audience. Everyone said that their dream was "impossible but by 1966 they had space above a store on South Main Street (just a fire escape and alley away from the Irish Pub - which is another story entirely) and started it all with a production of "My Three Angels".
In the past 40 years The Impossible Players have performed on many stages; starting at our first Main Street theatre, then Dolph and Ottie Otterstein gave us a home at the Otterstein Showroom on Oneida until the Spring of 1990. We spent a delightful season at the Sangre de Cristo Arts Center until our move in the fall of 1991 to Hoag Theatre at Pueblo Community College and at last, a final move in the summer of 2003 to our home at 1201 North Main Street-The Impossible Playhouse!