The Ozark Area Chamber of Commerce is a voluntary organization of the business community. The Chamber is a private, non-profit taxpaying corporation. It unites hundreds of business and professional firms, thus creating a unique central agency working to improve business and build a better community.
The Chamber of Commerce is an association of people just like you, concerned about improving the area they do business in and are willing to actively do something about it. The Chamber's strength lies in the diversity of its membership.
Both large and small businesses from virtually every profession as well as clubs & organizations are represented and influence the direction of the Chamber's programs. These programs are financed by membership investments in the Chamber.
Over 400 businesses, professionals, and individuals, working together to make the Ozark area a better place to live and work
A united effective voice for the business and professional community on critical issues
A clearinghouse for plans and proposals affecting the Ozark area's future
A tourist information center for visitors
Setting and achieving goals that will assure the Ozark area of reaching its full potential as a community
Working to increase prosperity by encouraging growth of existing businesses and fostering new ones.