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The Village Church - Highland Village Campus

1700 Highland Village Road

To Bring Glory to God:

The Village exists to bring glory to God through lives changed by the gospel of Jesus Christ.

The mission of the Church of Jesus Christ has been the same since her inception. The message is the same, but the methods are new. The call is consistent, but the context is ever-changing. Our mission statement succinctly describes our heart. We are God-centered; we exist to bring glory to God. This is the chief aim and purpose of humanity and of all creation. The glory of God is ultimate. The scriptures share the wonderful news that God is glorified through changed lives. Life change is both an event (salvation) and a process (sanctification). The process of life change begins at salvation, or rebirth. This is the result of a person placing his or her faith in the death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. The rest of the Christian life is a sequence of becoming more and more like Christ, a process called sanctification. The Bible says this is God's will for us. Both salvation and sanctification are evidences of God's grace in our lives and are appropriated by faith. "Life change" is conditioned by a qualifying statement in our mission statement: the gospel of Jesus Christ. People's lives can be changed by a dramatic event, traumatic news or an enticing culture. But, the only kind of life change that allows a person to have a right relationship with God the Father is through the gospel of Jesus Christ. Christ died for our sins and was raised to life three days later. That's the gospel.

An Outward Expression:

The vision for The Village is to have our five Core Values Truth, Christian Spirituality, Community, Foot Washing and Missional Living expressed through our members and extended to our community.

Where the mission of the Church is solid, static and not open for change, the vision is a growing and flexible understanding of God's specific purpose for our local body. Our vision is dynamic and unique. We believe our five Core Values accurately reflect God's thematic purposes for His people. Our desire is to see these values expressed by our members in their daily lives. Likewise, we desire to extend these values to our ever-expanding community. We have a community of people who attend our weekend services, a community of people serving overseas, a community of people who join us through a variety of media and a community of people who surround us where we live, work and play. Success is not an attendance number, a large budget or recognition, but rather an expression of how well we live out these values to our various communities.
