Our goal at Third and Kilgore is to share the love of God with those around us. We long to be of service to others and gladly share the abundance of blessings God has provided, the greatest being the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Jesus came as God in the flesh, lived a perfect life and then offered Himself as a sacrifice for the imperfect lives of all people. We accept the sacrifice of Jesus by faith and submit to His lordship and power. He washes away our sin and gives us His Spirit so that we may live obedient lives before God. A successful and fulfilling life is built on a foundation of the scriptures. If we trust God and follow the example of Jesus, God will transform our lives so that even in tough times, we will find peace not possible through any other means. In saving us,
God has created a new fellowship of believers called the church. His saving grace enables us to build strong families and relationships that honor Him and meet the needs of our fellow man. After all, the church is not a building; it is people. The Third and Kilgore church of Christ is a warm and caring group of believers saved from sin and prepared for service to our community. We welcome you to worship with us and learn more about Jesus Christ, our Lord.