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Thornville United Methodist Church

30 East Columbus Street

The Methodist Church began it's work in our community, then called New Lebanon, in 1807 according to a newspaper clipping written by Reverend R.H. Griffith in 1907. This yellowed news clipping tells of the centennial observance of Methodism in Thornville during the week of October 29 through November 3, 1907. Rev. Griffith served our church from 1904 - 1908. He spent sixty seven years in the ministry and is buried in the Thornville cemetery.

Rev. Jesse Stoneman and James Quinn were mentioned as the first Methodist circuit riders to arrive in Perry and Fairfield counties between 1800 and 1801 according to historical records written by Simon Ortman in 1888.

Records written in 1897 begin with this paragraph: "When Methodism began in this area the circuit rider was the pastor. The present church building was dedicated on Feb. 3 1844." This would indicate that an earlier structure was used for worship since the record refers to the "present building" being dedicated in 1844. The first church building was built from hand hewn logs. Prior to that time friends and members met in their homes. The 1844 church was a wooden framed building and stood at the rear of our present building. The Paragraph continues: "In the time of the Civil War the pro-slavery sentiment of the community rendered Methodism quite un-popular. But since the War the sentiment of the whole community has changed and Methodism has steadily advanced in strength and influence."

What is probably the third structure to serve as the house of worship for Thornville Methodists is the present brick edifice built in 1920 during the pastorate of the Rev. E.F. Andree. Dedication services were held from June 5-12, 1921. The original contract between builder O.J. Hawkins and the building committee stated an agreed price of $28,025. Extras brought the total cost of the church to $29,461.23. Members of the building committee were: W.E. Zollinger, C.M. Buxton, W.T. Stevens, John F. Watson, Ray W. Anspach, G.E. Schenk, and W.A. Hite, Sr. Remodling of the sanctuary and the rest rooms addition was completed in 1969. It was made handicap accessible in 1996. A ramp was installed at the east end of the church leading to the entry way. In 2003 pews were removed from the rear of the North side of the church to provide wheel chair access in the pews.
