Conventional western medicine, also known as allopathic, mainstream, orthodox and biomedicine, is a system in which Healthcare Providers treat symptoms of disease using drugs, radiation or surgery. It is the type of medicine most familiar to Americans. Allopathy is a biologically based approach to treatment and does not initially emphasize the mind’s impact on health or healing. It works best at emergency and acute care. Conventional medicine has achieved significant leaps in preserving both the quality and longevity of life.
Allopathic medicine is excellent when the illness has progressed so far that the physical body can no longer stay in balance, or can no longer function effectively. As a primary healthcare practice, Three Rivers Medical will treat every kind of injury, trauma and disease. When appropriate, referrals are made to competent specialist in the area. The most common chronic diseases we see at Three Rivers Medical include diabetes, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), various stages of heart disease, cancer, allergies, common colds, sleeping disorders, gastrointestinal problems, and chronic pain. Options for treatment are discussed with the patient so a consensus of the best approach is reached. Once fully informed, the patient can elect to proceed with conventional medicine or explore alternatives.