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Town Of Mansfield

4 South Eagleville Road

Mansfield started on the path toward becoming a clean energy community in July 2005 when the town council unanimously passed a resolution committing to the SmartPower 20% by 2010 Campaign. The Connecticut Clean Energy Communities program is a partnership between the Connecticut Clean Energy Fund and Hartford-based SmartPower. By signing on, the town committed to purchasing 20% of the municipality's electrical needs from wind, solar, landfill gas, and small,low-impact hydropower sources (considered "clean" sources) by the year 2010. As an incentive, for every 100 Mansfield households that select clean energy, the town will receive a free solar panel. Over 139 Mansfield's households are buying renewable energy. Since that is more than 2.5% of the rate paying households, the town is eligible to receive two 1-kilowatt photovoltaic panels on a municipal building. Mansfield will continue to add solar panels as more households sign-on. It is easy to receive clean energy at your home.
