In Shaler you are protected 24 hours a day by a 27 member full time police force. We have our own water filtration and distribution system which provides the ultimate in service, and our water rates are well below the average rates for this area.
Our Road Department is second to none, both in the repairs and paving of roads and clearing snow and ice during the winter.
Shaler Township has six volunteer fire companies with over 239 active firemen and women. All fire companies are equipped with two-way radios with the base station at the police desk which enables complete cooperation between the departments. We also have completely equipped ambulances manned by the Shaler Area Emergency Medical Service.
Our recreational facilities consist of 13 parks (over 222 acres) which include a community swimming pool, little league ball fields, basketball courts, tennis courts, and street hockey courts. The Township owns and operates the Shaler North Hills Public library, a FREE library to all residents.
We invite you to visit our Municipal Building to acquaint yourself more fully with the facilities at your disposal. Please feel free to stop by to say "hello!"