Founded in 2008, the Tri-City Freethinkers is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit community outreach organization serving the religion-free population of the Tri-Cities metropolitan area (Kennewick, Pasco, Richland, and West Richland) by bringing nonreligious community members together for support, education, and advocacy. We sponsor a range of social and educational events throughout the year including guest speakers from both the national secular movement and from our local/regional area. We provide opportunities for our members to engage with the broader community and elected officials and perform volunteer work in partnership with other local organizations.
We are a diverse group consisting of atheists, agnostics, skeptics, heathens, humanists, and pantheists; men and women; young, old, and in between; straight and LGBT; all ethnic and cultural heritages; highly educated to minimally educated; affluent and not; and people from all religious backgrounds all ends of the political spectrum. The Tri-City Freethinkers offers a welcoming environment for nontheistic residents seeking relief from the religiosity of southeastern Washington.